
Thursday, 11 April 2013

Support needed

I know, it's a wee while since I scribbled, but been busy (ha! with my muscles?) organising (that means delegating lol) the new hobby craft room.  In the meantime ...

This is already on my Facebook page, but well worth adding here too. A petition is available to sign at

which I've already done. Feel free to pass the link on. We need all the support we can get. Thank you kindly.
As the days fly by, as opposed to Barra flights NOT, I get increasingly angrier over a ridiculous situation enforced on the Barra folk. I swear (yeah, I do too lol) that despite being disabled, with my last ounce of energy I will do everything I can to get those flights reinstated. Even if it means I can only lift a pebble to either fling at the council or, more constructively, help build a bridge at least from Eriskay to Barra. I keep getting memories of books read and stories told of the St Kilda folk and the heart wrenching departure they had to make from their beautiful island. It’s now a World Heritage Site. Well, the same is NOT going to happen to the Isle of Barra. Got it?! Good. My husband took film of a Benbecula-Barra flight and it’s worth watching its beauty and unique landing on the tidal renewed beach (twice a day) runway at Barra. Here’s the link:

Sit back and enjoy the journey, noting the little ferry seen en route (weather permitting) is the very one people will have to use to get to the nearest land on Eriskay with a causeway giving a long, but alternative chance of an arduous onward drive to Benbecula, or even further to Stornoway.  Failing that, if someone is in desperate need of hospital treatment and our oft inclement weather permits, there’s always the air ambulance. The Health Board will love footing that bill on a more frequent basis I’m sure, NOT. I wonder if there’s someone out there who could trump the council into shame even more – the operative word being trump. It would be a more entrepreneurial and philanthropic project than, say, a golf course. Just a thought ... now I need that kick start coffee. Enjoy the day all :) Susan