
Friday, 20 July 2012

Blusters 'n' Flusters

I don’t know what takes first place – fine-tuning the PWS (ongoing) or pulling my hair out with it.  Time vanishes and I end up too tired to craft!  It’s bad, as I’ve got a couple things entering the ‘get a move on’ zone.

Today started absolutely calm – the kind of silence that wakes me up, as I’m too used to the noise of the winds.  However, it’s beginning to make little upward skips and by tomorrow night/Sunday, will be giving us a fine demonstration.  Power permitting, I’ll be glued to the weather info, as it’s intriguing – especially the gusts.  Easy pleased eh? haha  A tad more work is needed calibrating things, though it’s mostly complete. At least we’re not showing as bobbing about in the middle of the ocean.  There’s a buoy out there, but I didn’t fancy it being me neighbour – especially as the winds will reach it first and undoubtedly be speedier.  The house temp is ridiculously high, owing to the recent calm spell.  Still, after the weekend, it’ll be back to smooth waters.  The one great thing is a high possibility of rain that’s desperately needed.  Might manage a little crafting before the winds arrive. Happy crafting :) Susan    

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

New Weather

Just put my PWS on Wunderground (Susereign) - it seems to be working, but needs a wee bit more fine-tuning. Will get it sussed eventually, then get splashing paint and papers around haha Happy crafting :) Susan

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Atlantic Bubbles Weather

Yeee Haaaa! At long last, we got our weather gizmo to talk - and we're still talking haha Can be found in the Links column :) Am off to snooze now - spent hours working out how to configure everything. It'd be real nice to get some crafting done. Have fun all :) Susan

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Snippet of a Fun Day

Here's a wee bit of the Fun Day yesterday. It was very windy, although dry. Just as well it was held Saturday and not Sunday as rain is due. We've had calm, dry days for weeks - typical. Found it exhausting, not being fit as used to was, but still managed to meet loads of folk and have catch-up natters. It really was a thoroughly enjoyable, fun day.  There was loads more to see and film, but leggies gave up on me. Susan :)