I do believe our Cassie is becoming a rather environmentally friendly kitty. For quickness, I'd loaded my laptop into an available carrier bag, instead of the fancy proper case and lugged it downstairs. No sooner had I unpacked the cables etc, than Cassie dived onto the empty bag! She's been there all night!
In complete contrast, I'd spent the morning having a go with some new misty sprays (not the Tattered Angel range, I hasten to add, though I have some of them too). To my complete horror, as soon as I pressed the button, the trajectory of the spray covered a wide range of the desk. Eyes like saucers, I could only stare (or glare) at the result, as many 'in progress' pieces of work had suddenly acquired a liberal, unexpected and unwanted, blue bespeckling. It was some minutes later before noticing my hands had turned a pretty shade too. Baby wipes weren't enough to get rid of it, so a quick scamper (as quick as one can down a ladder haha) to wash it off properly with copious amounts of hot water and soap. Hands still slightly 'tinged', hoped hubby wouldn't think I'd acquired a sudden illness and whisk me off to A&E. What an experience though - never been in such a colourful mess. Will have to use a large, deep box when next using these particular sprays methinks.No ... didn't take a photo of it, as the Bubble looks like a whirlwind stopped by for a visit. I know where everything is though - honest! (Go wash yer mouth out Susan! lol) The sun shone all day yesterday, so I managed a couple of photos of - wait for it - dandelions and daisies - in the garden.
(This one's my favourite)
To my surprise, the Reiki my sister performed on pesky arm is still working, in that I have nearly 90% movement now, so achieved loads of crafting. Had a whale of time, mostly printing on different photographic surfaces, and fine-tuning printer settings along the way. Played with a few new CDs and did one bit of stamping/embossing. Hope to get a 'one stamp' card done today (can't remember the right name of that), then focus on the Graphicus Challenge.
A curious success occurred t'other day. Upon waking, found 3 fingers had gone sort of numb/tingling for nearly 24 hours. In desperation, I borrowed one of Cassie's toys. It's a crocheted ball with a bell, full of catnip and a present from her Shetland kitty friend, Tovi. I vaguely remember my Dad using a special squidgy ball that he squeezed periodically through the day, in an effort to improve circulation. It worked. So did the catnip toy! Hey ho, so I'm a happy crafter again and off to the Bubble for a jolly good play with more goodies, even if some do turn me (and the air) blue haha.
Happy crafting everyone :) Susan