
Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Green cat?

I do believe our Cassie is becoming a rather environmentally friendly kitty. For quickness, I'd loaded my laptop into an available carrier bag, instead of the fancy proper case and lugged it downstairs. No sooner had I unpacked the cables etc, than Cassie dived onto the empty bag! She's been there all night!
In complete contrast, I'd spent the morning having a go with some new misty sprays (not the Tattered Angel range, I hasten to add, though I have some of them too). To my complete horror, as soon as I pressed the button, the trajectory of the spray covered a wide range of the desk. Eyes like saucers, I could only stare (or glare) at the result, as many 'in progress' pieces of work had suddenly acquired a liberal, unexpected and unwanted, blue bespeckling. It was some minutes later before noticing my hands had turned a pretty shade too. Baby wipes weren't enough to get rid of it, so a quick scamper (as quick as one can down a ladder haha) to wash it off properly with copious amounts of hot water and soap. Hands still slightly 'tinged', hoped hubby wouldn't think I'd acquired a sudden illness and whisk me off to A&E. What an experience though - never been in such a colourful mess. Will have to use a large, deep box when next using these particular sprays methinks.

No ... didn't take a photo of it, as the Bubble looks like a whirlwind stopped by for a visit. I know where everything is though - honest! (Go wash yer mouth out Susan! lol) The sun shone all day yesterday, so I managed a couple of photos of - wait for it - dandelions and daisies - in the garden.

(This one's my favourite)

To my surprise, the Reiki my sister performed on pesky arm is still working, in that I have nearly 90% movement now, so achieved loads of crafting. Had a whale of time, mostly printing on different photographic surfaces, and fine-tuning printer settings along the way. Played with a few new CDs and did one bit of stamping/embossing. Hope to get a 'one stamp' card done today (can't remember the right name of that), then focus on the Graphicus Challenge.

A curious success occurred t'other day. Upon waking, found 3 fingers had gone sort of numb/tingling for nearly 24 hours. In desperation, I borrowed one of Cassie's toys. It's a crocheted ball with a bell, full of catnip and a present from her Shetland kitty friend, Tovi. I vaguely remember my Dad using a special squidgy ball that he squeezed periodically through the day, in an effort to improve circulation. It worked. So did the catnip toy! Hey ho, so I'm a happy crafter again and off to the Bubble for a jolly good play with more goodies, even if some do turn me (and the air) blue haha.

Happy crafting everyone :) Susan

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Birthday Season

It's that time of year again when I have a plethora of birthday cards to make. Must confess though to having missed a few already ... still trying to work out a way of saving grace on that.
Spent the afternoon in the Bubble hurriedly making a couple of cards. Oh to be younger and 100% fitter, would have had them made ages ago. Thankfully, amalgamating a few elements from various 'My Craft Studio' CDs came to the rescue and saved the day ... and me from another red face. I've come to enjoy using these CDs immensely as the designs can be added to, colour/size altered and if necessary, not a single embellishment needed, to create a card worthy of a smile. My young nephew is mad about tractors ... so he's very happy, especially as the tractor is decoupaged with the final set of wheels attached with brads along with foam backed tape, layered at the back to raise them from the main body and give them movement. The 'MCS' CDs I used for these cards/inserts were Sassy Chic (which arrived today ... yipee!) and elements from the Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter range.

And ... the sun shone today, at long last! The week is looking pretty good too, so I might be able to join up some freckles.

Happy Crafting!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

What am I up to?

S'been a wee while since having a bit of a bloggle, purely thanks to my 'bleep bleep' arm. However ... hubby is doing a spot of spring decorating and transforming our computer room into what it originally was meant for - a bedroom, albeit a spare one. It's looking fab so far, but my darling cat keeps making a bid to be first in - she spotted the cupboard door open, it having just been glossed, and made a b-line to get into it! Thankfully, she was caught in time and deprived us of having her as an embellishment (she's long-haired) on the newly painted door. Anyway, here's a tiny clue as to what I've been up to - but bear with me - got another 35 to do!

Happy crafting :)