
Friday, 20 March 2009

Unexpected Visitor

Was pottering away at some crafting, when I heard a faint flapping noise nearby. Looked up to see a lovely butterfly had made its way up into the 'Bubble' for a visit.
We've had wall-to-wall sunshine again today, so doors, windows and the curtain to my crafty sanctuary have been open. The luxury of temperatures touching almost 15c are short-lived as we're in for another round of gales and rain. Must be Equinox time again.

As you can see we are in the process of some basic draught-proofing. Sorry about the clarity, or rather lack of it, on the photo, but the butterfly landed only for a few seconds, so it was a case of quickly grabbing the camera and pushing the button. It has since flown off downstairs and no doubt out into the bright sunshine again.
Well, here we are on a lovely sunny Spring Equinox morning and Berty Butterfly is still flitting and fluttering about in the Bubble. He's giving me plenty of exercise (and distraction) trying to capture a decent photograph - and he's winning!

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